Argonian Lizard maid vrchat avatar
A beautiful Argonian lizard maid!
made entirely original!
A fun cartoony model, with a simple upload! Make your own edits of the model!
This includes:
- One single texture to upload
- The FBX
- The .blend file
- Eye tracking
- unique visemes for lip synch
- unity package
PACKAGE INCLUDES: Ready-to-upload Unity package for PC and Quest PNG texture files Blender file 3D Viseme animations REQUIREMENTS: Unity 2022.3.22f1 VRChat SDK 3.0 <------ TERMS OF SERVICE: DO'S You may edit and customize this content to your liking. You may sell private commissions of edits of this content as long as both parties have purchased the original content. When editing, make sure to credit @Raptdonaught DO NOT: Claim ownership of this content even if modified. Upload as public or make cloneable. Resell or redistribute to those who have not purchased this content. Sell edits (and/or the base) of this content publicly. THIS CONTENT IS NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE
PC version only, currently